
hearing form salesforce generated

Nickname (ชื่อเล่น):

Service Type:

Age (อายุ):

Nationality (สัญชาติ):


Currently in Japan or not?:

Name of school / company in Japan:

Other (Name of school/company in Japan):

Japanese Language Proficiency:

Date to move in / วันที่ต้องการเข้าอยู่ (DD/MM/YYYY)

Length of stay or contract (Year):

Length of stay or contract (Month):

How do you know about LandHousing?:

How do you know about LandHousing? Other:

Who do you know us from?:

Room Plan Of The Desired Room:

Room plan (Other):

Prefer Property Type (Rent):

Prefer Property Type (Rent) Other:

Monthly rent desired in JPY:

Walking distance to the nearest station:

Walking distance nearest station (Other):

Number of tenant(s) [*Include you]:

Number of Tenant (Other):

Other room requirements: